Saturday 24 July 2010

Could the location have been any worse???

Well, I guess the adventure starts in Mongolia...

Things have been good so far, nice and easy but there I am in no mans land between Russia and Mongolia with nothing but speeding Chinese 4X4s for company and the bike decides to die on me. So here I am in Mongolia, the town of Oligy to be specific and Im staying with a family who have insisted I stay with them until Monday.

Looks like the bike has gotten sorted today so fingers crossed. Ive had advice from other bikers to use the northern or central route to Ulaan Bataar but the family advice is to use the southern route because 1 its easier and 2 theres other traffic whereas the other routes will be very quiet. Probably some good advice there.

So, Ill try and sort out some proper replacement bits and head towards Ulaan Bataar and then onward into Russia again.

In the meantime Im being well looked after and seen most of the Naadam festivities (remember Long Way Round when Charlie went wrestling?) as well as had no shortage of food. Ive learned a load about the bike and probably got another good couple of blog postings to come!

Just to clarify...

Ive not crashed and thats me pretty much exactly half way round the world in respect of time and distance. Should be straight forward from here and Ive also got some contact info for Russian bikers, a name for help getting over to Sakhalin and a contact in Japan thanks to some guys Ive met.

Fingers crossed for the way forward...


  1. So what was up with the Beemer ? At least it doesn't sound like something has broken badly (such as the suspension !). Really good that folks are so accommodating though - says a lot for human nature :-)

  2. Just died on me between border posts. After some faffing with the alternator it was putting out a low voltage, in addition somewhere down the line the fuel pump controller gave up and the battery wouldnt hold any charge either. Got some workarounds / replacements on the go but it aint how BMW would have done it! The folks were pretty decent in helping me out and showing me around.

  3. has your bike broke again? youve no moved for the past 3 days! andy m

  4. Hello Martyn, great photos - sorry to hear about the bike and leg (?). Hope both are now in working order and you can get back to your travels soon. Best of luck for the Gobi faither (The Sage) says that you should take a truck apparently (mmm...think he looked at a map or something...say no more!). The Wright Family.

  5. Been a gammy knee after falling off in mud, doh. This indeed led to a trip in a truck - I can't recommend it! All fine otherwise, just a dilemma about parts and getting them sent somewhere. All fine otherwise though...
